Christian Drabek / Fraunhofer IKS


Christian Drabek

Research Engineer

Dr. Christian Drabek has been a research engineer at Fraunhofer IKS since 2011. He studied computer science at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg and received his PhD from the University of Augsburg on the topic of "Model-based runtime verification of networked embedded systems".

At Fraunhofer IKS, he conducts research on methods and mechanisms that make the increasing complexity of networked embedded systems manageable. In doing so, he implements, evaluates, and uses model-based methods for the description and analysis of functional, as well as safety- and efficiency-relevant properties of software in embedded and distributed systems of different domains.

Due to his expertise in the development and evaluation of software systems and the use of models for development and runtime, he has been contributing to the success of research and partner projects in the Self-Adaptive Software Systems department for years.


by Christian Drabek