Safetronic 2022
Call for Papers starts

The international conference Safetronic holistically addresses the safety of road vehicles. Abstracts for conference papers may be submitted until May 9, 2022.

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mask Crossing from above

For the second time, the Fraunhofer Institute for Cognitive Systems IKS is organizing the international Safetronic conference. At this annual conference, which will be held in the Stuttgart area on November 8 and 9, 2022, the focus will once again be on the holistic safety for road vehicles. This includes, for example, topics such as functional safety, the SOTIF standard, cybersecurity and safety-in-use.

Until May 9, representatives from industry and science can submit abstracts for conference papers. Presentations of the topics at the conference should include best practice reports, lessons learned or innovative approaches.

Call for Papers

Please refer to our website for information on the submission process and requirements.

To the Safetronic website Pfeil nach rechts

Around 15 of the submissions will be presented as talks at the two-day event. These case studies will be accompanied by interactive formats. The conference offers a rewarding exchange with experts of renowned companies and the excellent opportunity to connect with partners.

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Newsletter about Safetronic Pfeil nach rechts

The conference Safetronic is primarily visited by the industry sectors of automotive construction and suppliers, electrical engineering / electronics, software development, mechanical engineering as well as research institutes. The participants work in Research & Development, Construction / Product Development, Quality Management, Software Development and Technical Sales Departments.

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