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Safetronic 2022
“The variety of abstracts submitted truly covers the entire scope”
22 abstracts were submitted for this year’s Safetronic conference (November 8–9, 2022), with the Program Committee selecting the best of them. Simon Fürst, Cooperation Management Automated Driving at BMW Group, Munich, and Conference Co-chair, explains the topics Safetronic will focus on as well as the highlights visitors can expect.

© Fraunhofer IKS
H. T. Hengl:
The review of the submitted abstracts for the Safetronic is finished. Can you please explain your impression of the submissions?
Simon Fürst:
I was pleasantly surprised by the sheer quantity of high-quality submissions! We received twice as many as we could fit into the two-day agenda of the event. The variety of abstracts fully covered the entire scope, ranging from very detailed technical proposals up to strategic concepts. It was a good challenge for the program committee to select the best fit of proposals with respect to the topic areas of the conference as well as balancing representation of relevant companies.
H. T. Hengl:
What topics will be included in this year’s program?
Simon Fürst:
For many years, we have had an established session on current standardization activities. This year, it will cover some very interesting standards under development. A wider overview from Egbert Fritzsche of the German Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA) will excellently round up this session. Another key topic we have further elaborated in the agenda are presentations on holistic safety concepts. This is becoming more and more important for developing increasingly complex and interconnected systems.

© BMW Group
Simon Fürst, Cooperation Management Automated Driving at the BMW Group, Munich is together with Prof. Mario Trapp, Fraunhofer IKS Institute Director, Safetronic Conference Chair.
H. T. Hengl:
What are your personal highlights?
Simon Fürst:
Definitely the keynote speech of Thomas Wiltschko of Mercedes-Benz about the Drive Pilot, the world’s first, real SAE Level 3 system which hopefully can be experienced by customers on the road by this year. The very first market introduction of this system is a real game-changer.

First program version 2022 online and registration started
Safetronic — the international conference on holistic safety for road vehicles in Stuttgart — offers testimonies and presentations on innovative solutions from leading OEMs and suppliers, as well as intensive opportunities for discussion. Learn about current industry trends and developments!
We are delighted to share the first version of our program
with you, including the following companies and institutes who will be giving talks this year: ARM, Bosch, BMW, Brose, CARIAD, Infineon, Mercedes-Benz, Renault, Stellantis and Valeo.
H. T. Hengl:
What is your opinion on engaging discussions for participants?
Simon Fürst:
Face-to-face discussions and exchanges after a two-year break due to COVID-19 are most important. Virtual meetings are no replacement for the kind of onsite discussions with experts you can expect at Safetronic. They are extremely rewarding and spark new ideas and connections. The discussions will naturally revolve around automated driving and the next steps towards interconnected driving. Our key topic of holistic approaches for safety will for sure be reflected in these discussions.